Club - News
All the latest news and important information from Atoms Basketball Club.
Winter 2025 Game dates
FORD AUSSIE HOOPS - (Term 1 - 2025)
Hello there, The new Aussie Hoops term is open for bookings. Beginning Feb 1 2025
Hope to see you there.
Age Group Criteria - (Winter 2025)
Age Groups for the Winter Competition 2025:
The cut off is December 31st 2025 (e.g., if you turn 12 in 2025 (i.e. born 2012), you must play Under 14s).
Atoms - (Team Selection Policy)
Atoms Team Selection Policy
Atoms teams have in the past operated mostly autonomously - sometimes the club has provided additional players to teams but generally speaking the teams have formed themselves, largely from friendship groups.
It is important that teams find the right balance.
Not having too many players, or too few, the mismatching of abilities and ages in teams all can affect player and team satisfaction.
Taking all this into account we have put together the following guidelines
for team formation.
1. All new teams must have a minimum of 8 players to be registered for the team to be viable.
2. Atoms may be able to supply players to new or existing teams but cannot guarantee we can do so.
3. No team shall be registered with more than 10 players and team managers need to be aware that there is reduction in court time for players in teams of 9 or 10, and that teams of this number can make life difficult for the coach.
4. If an existing team has only 6 players, we reserve the right to add new players to the team, always considering level of ability and age.
5. We will recommend that players swap to other teams if we think this will benefit the player and the teams, e.g., matching abilities and ages. The club will not force swaps if the player does not want to move.
6. If a player wants to move to a team of a different level, we encourage the family to approach the club and we will endeavor to accommodate the move.
7. Coaches for new teams
New teams of U9/10s must provide their own coach for the first season - either a parent or other responsible adult. After their first season a junior coach can then take over if this suits.
We have found that it is difficult for young coaches to manage young, new teams and that it is more
appropriate for an adult to be the coach initially.
8. Players who wish to play in more than one team This is becoming increasingly popular, particularly amongst the older players who enjoy having 2 or 3 games on a Saturday. Subject to players always adhering to Basketball Hawthorns competition rules relating to playing in different age groups, we encourage participation in more than one team and will be offering the following fee structure from next season.
First team - full fees
Second team – No Charge
The rules regarding playing in different age groups are in summary, a player may represent another team in a higher age group provided they are registered in each team.
If anyone has any queries concerning the above, please do not hesitate to
contact us at
Current Summer - 2024-25 - Fixtures
Typical Game Times - (All age groups)